Wanna Know Me?


Honestly, nothing to introduce much about myself. And yeah here we go!

#1 Short intro, shall we?

Yes, my name is Amiril Haiqal bin Kemat. Umur 20-an. I was born in Johor and then stay for a decade in Selangor peacefully with my beloved family.

6-feet tall guy. Masih mencari kandungan protein yang hilang daripada badan since aku Form 5 lagi hahaha (in short aku ni kuruih orangnya). 2nd eldest among 4 siblings. At the moment I am focusing on my dreams first and want to make my family and friends proud - before getting involved in marriage matter.

A full time student, currently busy accomplishing on my final year of studies. And yeah! Onto the next one......

#2 Education Background

Yeah, I am now studying at UniKL MFI which located in Bangi - taking a Mechanical Engineering course. Honestly, mechanical course ni is one of the difficult field in all sorts of engineering. But yeah, engineering is in my veins!

Back to when I was starting my memorable school life, start Standard 1 at Cheras, Selangor until I took my UPSR there (Standard 6 or in Malay it's called Darjah Enam). Alhamdulillah dengan izinNya, I got flying colours in UPSR exam - definitely it was my first little step to be a great human being in the future in shaa Allah.

After that - continuing my school life in secondary level also in Cheras, but then I stayed there until I took my PMR exam - just before I departed for the last couple of years to Royal Military College and took my SPM exam there as well. That's the place where all my life routines and mindsets evolved almost 100% (aku akan story life at RMC to you guys afterwards).

Moving on to my pre-university level (or so called Foundation Studies), I took Engineering course for a year. Alhamdulillah I got flying colours and currently pursue my degree studies in UniKL.

Nak story banyak-banyak kat sini tak ngam la bossku. Later on aku akan post another story in detail pasal study life aku.

Next please....

#3 Why Blogger?

One of my hobbies and interests is writing. Sometimes before kita nak menulis, membaca is the most important thing to give such a great input to all readers. But then aku admit yang membaca ni - sometimes depends on my mood agaknya.

Yeah by the way, why Blogger? For me, Blogger is the most user-friendly website platform (I don't know what are its differences with Wordpress, maybe Wordpress lagi padu in terms of domain atau maybe more approachable in search engine). Anyway, I had started to apply my writing skills before which was in 2011 - the blog was all about me and my family. Entah mana hilang dah blog tu - dah la lupa password blogger. Aigooo....

And yeah, for this time I will be active in Blogger dengan harapan aku dapat share everything that are beneficial for you guys as readers - in terms of motivations and positive vibes.

#4 Banyak post pasal majlis ilmu je?

Initially aku nak jadikan blog ni untuk tujuan sebaran nota majlis ilmu. But then I think it is better to add on some stories about myself a little bit afterwards.

Okay, so why jot down nota majlis ilmu?

Honestly aku terinspirasi dengan guru mulia Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al-Hamid since 2017 if I am not mistaken. Teringat pesanan beliau:

From that, I was so motivated and determined to write down those notes. And luckily for you guys, aku sangat berbesar hati untuk sharekan semua nota-nota majlis ilmu yang aku attend - either aku attend secara talaqqi (berdepan dengan guru or ustaz) ataupun watching live streaming je.

#5 Penutup Kalam

Okay there are some resolutions from me to all my readers:

  • Your life journey maybe not as same as mine. But then it is not necessary untuk kita tiru someone punya lifestyle or personality. Just be yourself and sentiasa ikhlas dalam setiap perlakuan kita. Lillahi Taala. In shaa Allah.

  • It is up to you guys as readers, untuk percaya akan setiap bait-bait yang aku post dalam blog ni. Untuk nota majlis ilmu, I prefer you guys untuk refer those points dengan guru, ustaz atau para ilmuwan yang lebih bertauliah. I just deliver bulat-bulat every single words yang aku dengar daripada setiap ceramah/tausiyah/tazkirah yang aku hadir.

  • Keep inspiring others. Lain orang lain cara, right? So Blogger is my platform to deliver. And you guys mesti ada method yang lagi awesome kan?

  • Maybe this message is for me as well. BUAT DAKWAH. Gunalah apa jua wasilah (method) untuk kita sampaikan kebaikan. Our life is too short. Dulu maybe kita banyak buang masa dengan benda-benda lagha. So for now, bertaubatlah kepada Allah and start to move on towards a better lifestyle. Social media nowadays is the best medium for us. So use wisely and sampaikan positive vibes ikut kemampuan dan kapasiti pengetahuan kita.

Wallahualam. Tutup salam.

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